Planning on attempting to woo Phaea, and then. In addition he will take care of paying wages and collecting income as well.
Taxes also have an effect on center relation and prosperity. Appoint a chamberlain, who will decrease tax inefficiency by 10 and gives you the ability to set tax rates. Any time I need to, I can forge a weapon that'll sell for 10k+ without much fuss, and with materials I can gather from looters. - AS VASSAL: Persuasion attempts to convince your king to start a war. About level 100 in smithing (maxxed out focus). I'm already at a stage now where I don't care about money really. Then just created a 2 handed swords I'd unlocked, no more than steel quality use (not much of that I don't think), and it's worth 20k.
4 Things You Should Know Before You Buy A Business - Mount & Blade Warband New Player Guide. I'd suggest instead killing lots of looters, since they have some Seaxes that you can turn into steel I believe. As such, Im currently a Vassal under King Harlaus. I then wasted money trying to find weapons to smelt into steel. As a new character I doubled my money immediately, and soon tripled it. I don't know if the change was made in this patch, but improved charcoal from smithing skill has changed from 3 bits of wood to 2 charcoal, to 2 bits of wood to 3 charcoal. 1.4.2 beta is released, seemingly lots of crashes.